COVID-19 Information
It’s important that we all do our part to keep our communities, our families, and ourselves safe and protected from COVID-19.
Follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and recommendations and continue to keep wearing a mask indoors in public. Visit the CDC website for more health information and tips.
As recommended by the CDC, COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, free, and widely available. Adults and some children, regardless of immigration status, are eligible to get the vaccine. Need help finding a COVID-19 vaccine? Visit or call 1-800-232-0233.
The CDC recommends staying at home and getting a COVID-19 test if you are experiencing symptoms, especially for individuals who have not been or cannot get vaccinated.
The Biden Administration is giving every home in the United States 4 FREE at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests will be completely free with no shipping costs or credit card required. Visit to order yours today.
For a complete list of statewide COVID-19 testing sites including location, hours, and process (appointments and walk-ups) please visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website.
For additional assistance, or Spanish language resources please call Jennifer Estrada, Voces’s COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Coordinator, at 920-371-6975 for COVID-19 questions. To receive links with CDC information about COVID-19, text COVID to 211-211. Language assistance is available.
If you’re in need of help due to the pandemic, you’re not alone. Voces de la Frontera has a COVID-19 direct relief fund to provide financial assistance to immigrant essential workers in need. If you are in need, contact our office at 414-643-1620.
Voces de la Frontera hosts a variety of community COVID-19 vaccine clinics. Go to the Events page of our website to find upcoming vaccine clinics, or follow our events page on Facebook at VocesdelaFronteraWI.