Voting is Power
Voces de la Frontera is active in mobilizing Latinx and multiracial youth voters across Wisconsin to exercise their freedom to vote and have a voice in our communities.
Where, when and how can i vote?
For any voting questions, we recommend you visit
voceros por el voto
We need your help turning out your personal networks to vote! Voceros por el Voto is Voces de la Frontera’s innovative, relational voter mobilization model that relies on our members to build a network of voters they know, such as family and friends, to mobilize them to exercise their freedom to vote and build the immigrant rights movement.
Catherine, high school student & Youth Empowered in the Struggle member in Milwaukee, WI, has been organizing her friends and family to vote through our Voceros por el Voto program for the past 2 years. She will turn 18 and be eligible to vote for the first time herself in the spring election on April 5, 2022.
In 2018, Voces de la Frontera Action (our 501c4 sister organization) launched Voceros por el Voto to mobilize thousands of Latinx and multiracial youth voters statewide – many of them new or infrequent voters – for the 2018 midterm elections in Wisconsin. Since then, our Voceros por el Voto program has expanded significantly, allowing us to further grow our membership and strategic alliances.
Our Voceros program is critical to building the people power we need to win immigration reform, restore access to driver’s licenses to immigrants and the poor, fully fund public schools, and keep families together. To join our Voceros por el Voto network or get involved in other civic engagement activities, contact our office at 414-643-1620.
Voces de la Frontera Action
Voces de la Frontera Action (VDLF Action, 501c4) is the sister advocacy organization of Voces de la Frontera that gives us the freedom to advocate for pro-immigrant, pro-worker policies and endorse candidates that support those policies. Find out more about VDLF Action at