On Monday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker sent National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border to help implement President Trump’s “zero tolerance” anti-immigrant policy, first by separating and now by imprisoning immigrant families in internment camps. Scroll down to sign the petition, send an email to Governor Walker, and then call him at 608-266-1212 to demand he reverse his cruel decision!
Since Governor Walker sent the National Guard troops, 9 other governors including some Republicans have cancelled their decisions to do the same because of Trump’s policy of separating children from their parents. Voces de la Frontera and the New Sanctuary Movement of Milwaukee will hold an interfaith rally at 9am on Thursday, June 21st, at the Milwaukee ICE office (310 E. Knapp St.) in protest of Trump’s efforts to separate and imprison immigrant families at the border and in Wisconsin. Sign the petition and join us Thursday!
[emailpetition id=”5″]