Voces de la Frontera Plans Escalated Actions in Coming Weeks in Anticipation of Parliamentarian’s Advisory Opinion & Senate Vote
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(MILWAUKEE, WI) – Democrats in Congress failed to include a pathway to citizenship through registry for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the Build Back Better bill that they passed this morning. Instead, the bill only provides temporary work permits for an estimated 7.1 million.
Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera, issued the following statement:
“Let’s be clear: a majority of Latinx and immigrant voters in Wisconsin and other swing states elected President Biden, Vice President Harris and Democrats to Congress based on their promise to pass a path to citizenship this year. The failure of Democratic leadership in the House to only include temporary work permits in Build Back Better is a betrayal to those who’ve lived and worked here for decades, paying taxes and sacrificing their lives in essential industries during the pandemic.
And for what reason? To cater to racists they will never win over and to cave to corporate interests that rely on a more exploitable workforce to increase their profit margins. Their decision does not reflect what the American people want, as poll after poll shows that providing a path to citizenship for immigrants is immensely popular amongst voters across the political spectrum.
Democrats cannot hide behind so-called “norms” or the advisory opinions of the unelected parliamentarian to excuse their failure to deliver for immigrant workers and families this year. It was this failure under the Obama Administration that paved the way for the far right in 2016. It’s now up to the Biden Administration and Senate Democrats to reverse course and ensure that history does not repeat itself again in 2022 and 2024.
Voces de la Frontera members and our national network, the Fair Immigration Reform Movement Action (FIRM Action), and movement allies across the country will continue to escalate pressure on President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Senate Democrats to deliver on citizenship with actions in Washington D.C. and across the country in the coming weeks.
We are also calling for a national Day Without Latinxs and Immigrants protests and strikes in the event that the parliamentarian advises against including work permits in the Build Back Better bill. Latinx and immigrant workers are prepared to withhold their immense labor power amidst rising inflation, a labor shortage and the ongoing pandemic to win the dignity and safety that every family deserves.”
CONTACT: Anna Dvorak, 414-469-0118, anna@vdlf.org