RACINE, WISCONSIN — Following a meeting with House Republicans Wednesday, US House Speaker Paul Ryan implied that he would not allow a vote on a bill to protect immigrant youth and families harmed by the end of DACA unless it was coupled with funds to build a border wall. This comes one day after hundreds of Ryan’s constituents marched in Racine to support DACA and the Dream Act, demanding that Ryan allow a vote on a clean bill to protect immigrant youth and families.
Voces de la Frontera issued the following statement:
“The Dream Act has the votes to pass, and a bigoted border wall doesn’t,” said Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera. “Trump’s wall would be an international disgrace and a monument to wastefulness, ignorance, and prejudice. Legislation to protect DACA recipients is supported by overwhelming majorities of voters in both parties. Organizing by immigrant youth in Speaker Ryan’s district led him to speak in support of DACA on Friday, when he said that he would support a bill to protect DACA recipients. That pressure will only mount. We call on Speaker Ryan to sponsor and allow a vote on the Dream Act this month so that the 800,000 young people who have been an inspiration to their communities can continue to pursue their dreams and support their families without fear of persecution and separation.”
Wednesday, September 6th, 2017
Contact: Sam Singleton-Freeman, 414-469-9206, sfreeman@vdlf.org