Tuesday, March 14th, 2017
Contact: Sam Singleton-Freeman | sfreeman@vdlf.org | 414.469.9206
Neil Gorsuch Won’t Stand Up to Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants
MILWAUKEE – With Senate Republicans expected to begin hearings on Donald Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the US Supreme Court next week, advocates are speaking out about why Gorsuch is wrong for the Court. Voces de la Frontera released the following statement from Executive Director Christine Neumann-Ortiz:
“The United States Supreme Court is charged with protecting the rights of individuals, as well as providing a check on the actions of the President and Congress when they act in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The nomination of Neil Gorsuch to our highest court raises serious concerns, and we oppose his confirmation. Gorsuch’s record demonstrates how he puts the rights of the wealthiest before the rights of working people and people of color. He is an unacceptable choice for the Supreme Court, especially at a time when immigrants, refugees, and others who have fought for civil rights protections for decades are facing hostility and unconstitutional actions by the new administration. Not only has Donald Trump made building a disgraceful wall along our entire southern border the centerpiece of his campaign, but also Trump attacked a judge solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. Donald Trump’s relentless attacks on immigrants show that now more than ever, we must have a Supreme Court that acts a check and balance, not a rubber stamp. Gorsuch has shown he is not up to the task.”