Thursday, February 18, 2016
Contact: Sam Singleton-Freeman, Voces de la Frontera, 414-469-9206,
Work stoppages, business closures, and student walk-outs seen statewide
Latinos, immigrants, students, workers, business owners and allies will unite across Wisconsin to defeat racist, anti-immigrant legislation
AB450/SB369 would lead police to investigate people’s immigration status and detain undocumented people for deportation
SB533/AB723 would block counties statewide from issuing local identification cards to people who cannot access state ID
Who: Thousands of immigrant families, students, religious leaders, supporters, Wisconsin Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, We Are All Milwaukee Coalition, Voces de la Frontera, dozens of supporting organizations statewide
What: Wisconsin Day without Latinos and Immigrants 2016: Statewide business closings, workers’ strikes, and student walk-outs.
Massive mobilization on the Capitol in Madison to defeat AB450/SB369 and SB533/AB723 and fight for civil rights
When: Thursday, February 18th. Mobilization on the Capitol begins at 10am. Students will walk out from schools across Madison to converge on the Capitol at 10am.
Where: Assemble at State Capitol in Madison, State Street entrance.
Photo and interview opportunies at bus departure points statewide:
Milwaukee: 1027 S. 5th Street, 7:30am-8am
Racine: 2100 Layard Ave,, 7am-7:30am
Whitewater: 1225 W Main St, 7:30am-8am
Wisconsin Dells: 603 Oak St., 7:30am-8am
Lake Geneva: 100 E. Geneva Square, 7:30am-8am
Green Bay: 2350 E. Mason St., 6:30am-7am
Baraboo: 825 8th St., 7:30am-8am
Sauk City: 115 Madison St., 7:30am-8am
Appleton: 213 E Wisconsin Ave, 6:30am-7am
Wausau: 220 S. 18th Ave. 5am-5:30am
New Berlin: 21300 W. Greenfield Ave., 7:30am-8am
Beaver Dam: 511 S. Spring St., 8:30am-9am
Why: To resist two racist, anti-immigrant bills (AB450/SB369 and SB533/AB723, see above for details) and demonstrate the enormous need to advance pro-immigrant policies at the state level, Wisconsin immigrant communities are calling for THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH, TO BE A DAY WITHOUT LATINOS AND IMMIGRANTS IN WISCONSIN. Dozens of businesses will close and workers in cities and towns throughout Wisconsin will to go to the Capitol instead of work. Hundreds of workplaces including dairies, farms, factories, cleaning companies, printers, hotels, fast food and restaurants, and countless others will be affected by worker absence. Dozens of schools statewide will be missing students. Hundreds of students will walk out of schools throughout Madison and march on the Capitol.
“Today we are seeing a general strike of thousands of Latino and immigrant workers that is causing major disruption in industries throughout Wisconsin,” said Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera. “Latino small business owners also have joined with workers to close their businesses and stand together against this racist attack from the state legislature. In the dairy state, immigrants produce 60% of the milk, and dairy farmers are standing up for their workers to oppose these bills. Workers and their families are mobilizing on the Capitol to tell Governor Walker and the Wisconsin State Senate to stop these racist, anti-immigrant bills from moving forward. Wisconsin needs Latino and immigrant workers, and today everybody knows it.
“This battle is giving us the opportunity to build a statewide structure to organize the Latino vote that will challenge any candidate who is anti-immigrant in 2016 and beyond. Wisconsin’s fight reminds us that Latino and immigrant workers are willing to flex their economic power to send the message that they will not stand idly by while politicians try to pass laws that threaten their families and take for granted their labor.”
Buses and car caravans will arrive from more than 19 cities throughout Wisconsin beginning at 10am. Students walking out from throughout Madison will converge on the Capitol at the same time. The program will start at 10:30am at the State Street entrance of the Capitol featuring dairy workers, immigrant workers, Latino business owners, Madison Chief of Police Mike Koval, student leaders, new Latino U.S. Citizen voters whose parents are undocumented, State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa.
At 11:30am, marchers will begin to move inside the Capitol. There will be a program from 12pm till 1pm, inside featuring the Madison Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, allied community members affected by the Legislature’s blocking of local ID programs, and music. Delegations will visit the office of Governor Walker and every legislator to urge them to oppose the bills.
For more information, visit our website at:
jueves, 18 de febrero
Para distribución inmediata
Contacto: Sam Singleton-Freeman, Voces de la Frontera, 414-469-9206,
Huelgas laborales y estudiantiles y paros empresarios vistos a traves del estado
Trabajadores estudiantes y dueños de negocios latinos y de todas razas se unen de todo Wisconsin para derrotar las propuestas de ley racistas y anti-inmigrantes
AB450/SB369 haría que la policía investigue el estatus migratorio de personas y detenga a gente indocumentada para ser deportadas
SB533/AB723 bloquearía un programa en Milwaukee que otrogaria tarjetas de identificación locales a personas que no tienen acceso a la identificación del estado
Quién: Miles de familias inmigrantes, líderes religiosos, estudiantes, personasde apoyo, la Red de Wisconsin para los Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Refugiados, Coalición Todxs Somos Milwaukee, Voces de la Frontera, docenas de organizaciones pro-inmigrantes a traves del estado
Qué: Día sin Latinos e Inmigrantes de Wisconsin 2016: huelgas laborales, paros de empresas, huelgas estudiantieles. Movilización masiva en el Capitolio en Madison, huelgas de estudiantes, paros de empresas, marcha de trabajadores y familias para derrotar las leyes AB450/SB369 y SB533/AB723
Cuándo: Jueves 18 de febrero. La movilización en el Capitolio comienza a las 10am
Donde: La manifestación será en el Capitolio en Madison por la entrada de la calle State
En un esfuerzo para poner un alto a las dos propuestas de ley anti-inmigrantes y racistas AB450/SB369 y SB533/AB723, las comunidades inmigrantes de Wisconsin están anunciando que el JUEVES 18 DE FEBRERO, ES UN DÍA SIN LATINOS E INMIGRANTES EN WISCONSIN. Docenas de empresas se cerrarán y trabajadores en ciudades y pueblos a través de Wisconsin van al Capitolio y no al trabajo. Cientos de lugares de empleo incluyendo las lecherías, fábricas, companias de limpieza, imprimadores, restaurantes y lugares de comida rápida y mucho más serán afectados por ausencia de trabajadores. Docenas de escuelas a través del estado faltarán estudiantes. Cientos de estudiantes saldrán en huelga de escuelas en Madison y marcharán al Capitolio.
“Hoy vemos una huelga general por miles de trabajadores latinos e inmigrantes que está causando interrupciones tremendas en industrias a través de Wisconsin,” dijo Christine Neumann-Ortiz, directora ejecutiva de Voces de la Frontera. “Empresarios pequeños latinos se han unido en solidaridad con trabajadores para cerrar sus negocios en contra de estos ataques de la legislatura estatal. En el estado lechero, los inmigrantes producen 60% de la leche, y los empleadores en la industria de lechera se han unido con los trabajadores para enfrentar estas propuestas de ley. Los trabajadores y sus familias están movilizando en el Capitolio para decirle al gobernador Walker y el Senado de Wisconsin que pongan un alto a estas propuestas de ley racistas y anti-inmigrantes. Wisconsin necesita los trabajadores latinos e inmigrantes, y hoy todos lo saben.
“Esta batalla está dándonos la oportunidad para construir una estructura estatal para organizar el voto latino para que haya consecuencia para cualquier candidato anti-inmigrante en el 2016 y después. La lucha en Wisconsin nos recuerda que trabajadores latinos e inmigrantes están dispuestos demostrar su poder económico para enviar el mensaje que no se quedarán pacíficos mientras políticos intentan de aprobar leyes que amenazan a sus familias y que aprovechan de su mano de obra.”
Para más información, visite nuestro sitio Web